20 Types of Finches in Ohio: Ultimate Guide with Their ID, what they look like, sounds and Where to Find

finches in ohio

You’re an avid bird watcher, but you’ve come to Ohio and you’re feeling lost. There are so many different types of finches, and you don’t know where to start!

But with this guide, identifying every type of Finch in Ohio will be a breeze! This guide covers 20 different types of finches, complete with identification information, descriptions, sounds, and where to find them.

So grab your binoculars and get ready to enjoy your visit to Ohio finch-land!

What are finches?

Finches are small to medium-sized passerine birds with conical bills and brightly-colored plumage found across America, Africa, and Eurasia. There are about 200 different species of Finches, including siskins, grosbeaks, crossbills, canaries, siskins, redpolls, and more. In Ohio, there are around 13 species of Finches, including the American Goldfinch, Red Crossbill, Hoary Redpoll, Gray-Crowned Rosy Finch, European Goldfinch, Pine Siskin, Purple Finch, Evening Grosbeak, White-Winged Crossbill, Brambling, House Finch, Common Redpoll, and Pine Grosbeak.

Finches are delightful birds to watch, putting on a beautiful show with their feathers, and they are also wonderful songbirds. They are easily attracted to bird feeders, especially black oil sunflower seeds, so they provide a lot of entertainment. Finches are some of the most common birds in Ohio and can be found in parks, urban centers, residential backyards, farms, and forest edges.

Where can I find finches in Ohio?

If you’re looking for finches in Ohio, you’ll find nine species that can be spotted in the state all year round, including the House Finch, Purple Finch, American Goldfinch, Pine Siskin, Common Redpoll, Red Crossbill, White-winged Crossbill, Hoary Redpoll, and Cassin’s Finch. These species can be found in various land habitats across the state, such as the 83 state parks and 2 national parks, or in any of the 8 wildlife refuges.

You may also spot them in Mohican State Forest. Additionally, during migration season, you can also find the Evening Grosbeak, and in the winter, the Pine Grosbeak, Brambling, and Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch. Finches can be identified by their small, compact bodies, notched tails, and relatively pointed wings. The males are brightly colored yellow and red, while the females are mostly green and brown. Finches mostly feed on seeds and nuts, but their young are fed insects.

How Frequently Finches are Spotted in Ohio in Summer and Winter

Finches are a common sight in Ohio during both summer and winter, with different species being spotted more or less frequently between the two seasons. In summer, the American Goldfinch is the most frequently spotted finch, at 47.3%, followed by the House Finch at 20.3%.

Other finches commonly spotted during this season include the Purple Finch (1.0%), Pine Siskin (0.8%), and Red Crossbill (less than 0.1%). During winter, the American Goldfinch is still the most frequent finch (at 28.9%), but the House Finch is a close second at 27.1%. Other finches spotted in winter include the Pine Siskin (1.8%), Purple Finch (1.0%), Common Redpoll (0.6%), and Evening Grosbeak (0.2%).

Do Finches winter in Ohio?

Yes, finches do winter in Ohio. There are eight species of finch that regularly occur in Ohio, including the American Goldfinch, House Finch, Red Crossbill, Purple Finch, Evening Grosbeak, Pine Siskin, Common Redpoll, and White-winged Crossbill.

Additionally, four accidental species have also been spotted in the state, including Brambling, Hoary Redpoll, Pine Grosbeak, and Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch. These finches can be found in the state all year round, though some may only visit during migration. To attract them, you can place sunflower seeds onto a large platform feeder.

What is the breeding season for finches in Ohio?

In Ohio, the breeding season for finches typically begins in the spring, usually from April to June. During this period, finches will sing to each other, with males trying to attract the attention of potential mates.

Males in some species may also display bright colors to stand out from the crowd. Finches can be found all over the state, and you’ll find them in woodland areas, meadows and riverbanks. They may also be attracted to backyard feeders and bird baths. This is a great time to spot finches in Ohio, so make sure to keep an eye out!

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What is the best way to identify the different finches?

The best way to identify the different finches in Ohio is to look for specific identifying characteristics in each species. For example, the males of the Pheucticus ludovicianus, or the Rose-breasted Grosbeak, have black backs and wings with a distinctive red mark on the white breast. On the other hand, the females have heavily streaked plumage with a white eyebrow and pale bill.

The summer male goldfinch ( Carduelis tristis ) can be identified by its bright canary yellow color, black cap, wings, and tail, and white rump. The flight pattern of the finches can also be used to help identify them – undulating like the woodpeckers. To tell the Purple Finch apart from the House Finch, look at their back – the Purple Finch’s has red coloring, while the back of a House Finch has none. Finally, the males of different species can be identified by their songs.

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What kind of finches are in Ohio with ID Guide: here are the 20 types of finches that can be found in Ohio

1. American Goldfinch

American Goldfinch: 20 Types of Finches in Ohio: Ultimate Guide with Their ID, what they look like, sounds and Where to Find
American GoldfinchScientific name: Spinus tristis Lifespan: 6-8 years
Body length: 4.3-5.5 inWeight: 0.39-0.71 ozWingspan: 7.5-8.7 in 

The American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) is a small migratory bird that belongs to the subfamily of the Cardueline Finches. It has a small body with a conical bill that is pink and turns orange in the spring. Males have bright yellow plumage with a white rump and a jet-black cap, and females are brown with paler undersides and a yellow bib. The wings and tails are black in the males and brown in the females.

In Ohio, the American Goldfinch can be found in every land habitat in every season. They typically flock together in weedy fields, open floodplains, suburbs, parks, backyard feeders, and overgrown areas. They are also known to wander and move between habitats in search of better food resources.

The American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) is a small, migratory bird that belongs to the subfamily of the Cardueline Finches. It is distinguished by its bright yellow and black coloring in spring and its duller brown coloring in winter. Males have black caps and white rumps. Females have paler undersides and yellow bibs.

American Goldfinches can be found in most of North America and can be spotted in Ohio all year round. Their numbers usually increase during the breeding season from April to September. In Ohio, they are recorded in 47% of summer checklists and 28% of winter checklists submitted by birdwatchers. They prefer to nest in areas with an abundance of weeds such as flood plains, meadows, orchards, and fields. They will also visit most bird feeders and prefer sunflower and nyjer seed. In addition, they are often found in deciduous and riparian woodlands, suburbs, parks, and backyards.

2. House Finch

Picture of a House Finch YELLOW in a tree, with the text "House Finch in Ohio" above it
House FinchScientific name: Haemorhous mexicanusLifespan: 9-10 years
Body length: 4.9-5.9 inWeight: 0.56-0.95 ozWingspan: 7.9-9.8 in

The House Finch (Haemorhous mexicanus) is a small, colorful songbird native to western United States that has been introduced to eastern US states, including Ohio. Males have a red head and breast, and the rest of their bodies are mainly brown-streaked. Females are brown-streaked all over. House Finches are roughly 5.1-5.5 inches in length, weigh 0.6-0.9 ounces, and have a wingspan of 7.9-9.8 inches.

House Finches can be found in Ohio all year long. They do not migrate, and can be seen in parks, farms, forest edges, and backyard feeders in noisy groups. They feed on seeds, fruit, and buds and make nests using grass, leaves, twigs, and feathers. Attract House Finches to backyard feeders with black oil sunflower seeds, millet, and milo or nyjer seeds in tube feeders or platform feeders.

3. Purple Finch

A photo of a purple Finch:20 Types of Finches in Ohio: Ultimate Guide with Their ID, what they look like, sounds and Where to Find
Purple FinchScientific name: Haemorhous purpureusLifespan: 5-9 years
Body length: 4.7-6.3 inWeight: 0.6-1.1 ozWingspan: 8.7-10.2 in 

The Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) is a small North American bird, measuring 4.7 to 6.3 inches in length, with a wingspan of 8.7 to 10.2 inches, and a weight of 0.6 to 1.1 ounces. Its body is slightly smaller than a House Finch, and its coloring ranges from reddish-purple on the head and breast to brown on the back and wings, and pale on the belly. Males are more brightly colored than females. It is common to the north and east, and along the Pacific seaboard, but rare in much of the Rocky Mountains region.

In Ohio, Purple Finches can be seen anywhere, but not during their breeding season. They are mostly spotted during migration, but some remain in Ohio during the winter months, from September to May. In order to attract them to a backyard, a feeder with a platform and black oil sunflower seeds should be provided.

4. Common Redpoll

A photo of a redpoll in Ohio with its ID and information on where to find it:20 Types of Finches in Ohio: Ultimate Guide with Their ID, what they look like, sounds and Where to Find
Common RedpollScientific name: Acanthis flammeaLifespan: 2-3 years
Body length: 4.5-5.5 inWeight: 0.42-0.56 ozWingspan: 7.5-8.7 in

The Common Redpoll is a small finch found in Ohio, ranging in size from 11 to 20 grams and having a frosty red head and mostly brown feathers with white streaks. They have very small bills and a short notched tail. Males also have pink breasts, but females do not.

Common Redpolls can be found anywhere in the state of Ohio, but mostly during the winter months, from November to mid-March. They prefer to feed on small seeds such as nyjer seeds, and they travel in large flocks. The Common Redpoll is highly adaptable, and is able to survive even in extremely cold temperatures.

5. Pine Siskin

A photo of a Pine Siskin in Ohio with its ID and information on where to find it:20 Types of Finches in Ohio: Ultimate Guide with Their ID, what they look like, sounds and Where to Find
Pine SiskinScientific name: Spinus pinusLifespan:  5-6 years
Body length: 4.3-5.5 inWeight:  0.42-0.63 ozWingspan: 7.1-8.7 in

The Pine Siskin is a small brown finch with yellow streaks on its wings and tail, a forked tail, and a short pointed bill. It is endemic to North America, found in northern and western regions, Alaska and Canada, as well as meadows, grasslands, lawns, roadsides, and backyard gardens.

In Ohio, Pine Siskins can be seen from October to May, and it is recorded in 1% of checklists. They mostly inhabit conifer forests, with their nests built ten to fifty feet high away from the tree trunk. Attracting them to your backyard is possible with thistle and nyjer feeders, as well as black oil sunflower seeds and suet.

6. Red Crossbills

A photo of a red crossbill in a nature reserve in Ohio:20 Types of Finches in Ohio: Ultimate Guide with Their ID, what they look like, sounds and Where to Find
Red CrossbillsScientific name: Loxia curvirostraLifespan: 5-8 years
Body length: 5.5-6.5 inWeight:  1.4 ozWingspan: 10-10.75 in

Red Crossbills are small passerine birds native to North America, belonging to the finch family. They have a distinctive appearance, with the males sporting red to orange plumage and the females having a green-to-yellow body. The males have dark brown wings and a gray bill that crosses over itself. The females have yellow feathers and the same crossed bill. Red Crossbills in Ohio display sexual dimorphism, with the males having a length of 5.5-6.5 inches (14-17 cm) and a weight of 1.4 oz (40 g), while the females are slightly smaller, measuring 10-10.75 inches (25-27 cm) in length and weighing 1.4 oz (40 g).

They are non-migratory, but can be found in southern Ohio during the winter months when food is scarce. Red Crossbills prefer coniferous forests for foraging, and can be attracted to backyard feeders with Safflower, Apple Slices, Suet, Millet, Peanut Kernels, and fruits. They nest near the end of a pine tree and the female lays three to four eggs that take about 18 days to hatch.

8. House Sparrow

The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) is an invasive species of wild birds native to Europe, which was introduced to the United States in the 1800s. Since then, they have become extremely common across most of the country, especially in Ohio. House Sparrows can be identified by their brown and black streaked wings, buffy chests, and short, conical beaks.

House Sparrows have proved to be a nuisance to native species, as they are highly aggressive and will both feed on and compete for resources with other birds. They are not picky eaters and can survive on almost any food source, making them even more of a threat. They are considered a pest species in the US and can be legally trapped and euthanized in some places.

Despite their negative impacts on native species, House Sparrows are still a common sight in Ohio. This is likely due to the lack of natural predators in the area, as well as the abundance of food sources available to the birds. In fact, according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Great Backyard Bird Count, the House Sparrow is the eighth most-frequent feeder bird in the US.

9. European Starling

The European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) is a small, black bird with white speckles on its back and wings, yellow beak and feet, and can also be seen in a purple and green iridescent color. It was introduced to North America in the 1890s, when 100 starlings were set loose in New York City, and since then they have spread all over the US, including Ohio.

It is an invasive species and is considered a pest for its destructive behaviors, such as killing other birds’ young and taking over their nests, as well as overtaking feeders not allowing other birds to get any of the food. European Starlings can be found in all of the lower 48 states year-round.

10. Common Redpoll

The Common Redpoll is an average-sized finch, ranging in size from 11 to 20 grams. They have very small bills, a frosty red head, and mostly brown feathers with a few white streaks. Males have a red breast, while females do not. Common Redpolls can be found in Ohio during the winter months from November to mid-March. They thrive in weedy fields, feeding on catkins in trees, and coming to feeders for small seeds such as nyjer seeds or thistle.

11. Bohemian Waxwing

The Bohemian Waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus) is a popular bird for birdwatching in Ohio, as it is a relatively large and striking passerine bird. These birds have a body length of 5.9-7.1 inches and a wingspan of 12-13.8 inches. They have a gray colored body with a white belly, along with black mask and tipped wings and tail. The tips of the wings and tail are bright yellow, and the crest of the head is red, which makes them stand out against other birds.

The Bohemian Waxwing is an irruptive species, meaning it migrates unpredictably in large flocks in search of food. They mainly feed on fruits, especially berries, and so they are often seen in wooded areas with berry-producing shrubs and trees. They also visit bird feeders and backyards with berry-producing shrubs. These birds are found throughout Ohio during the winter months, and they are a great opportunity for birdwatchers to observe a large and beautiful bird up close.

12. Purple Finch

The Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) is a medium-sized bird of the Finch family that is sexually dimorphic, wherein the head, breast, back, and rump of the males are red with a streaked back, and the females have white upperparts with dark brown streaks all over it and a white line right above their eyes.

It is common in the North and East, and along the Pacific seaboard but is very rare in much of the Rocky Mountains region. The Purple Finch may put on a show while they do not act violently, they are known to show displays of aggression, especially over their source of food and they are also fond of black oil sunflower seeds and nectar and flower buds. In Ohio, the Purple Finch can be seen anywhere, but not usually during their breeding season.

13. Hoary Redpoll

The Hoary Redpoll is a species of finch that is closely related to the Common Redpoll. It has a predominantly white and gray feathered body, and the male Hoary Redpoll has a small red patch on its head. Juveniles are streaked all over with brown and white.

These birds are considered rare or accidental species in Ohio, and they were last spotted in Willow Point Wildlife Area and East Sandusky Bay MetroPark in 2022. They are found in the northern parts of the state during the winter months, and they feed on a wide variety of seeds, but they prefer nyjer seeds.

14. Cassin’s Finch

The Cassin’s Finch (Haemorhous cassinii) is a small finch species found in North America. It is easily identified by its short-medium tail, streaked feathers, and thick bill. Males have rosy pink feathers all over with more red on the top of their heads and females and young have a brown and white coloration with dark streaks on the chest and underparts. They are found in western North America, including parts of Ohio, in open woodlands, shrubbery, and conifer forests.

They can also be found in suburban and agricultural habitats, visiting bird feeders during the winter to eat sunflower seeds. They even crave salt and can often be found visiting mineral deposits on the ground. They are omnivorous and feed on insects, seeds, fruits, and berries. Cassin’s Finch songs tend to imitate other birds and both males and females are known to sing.

15. White-Winged Crossbill

The White-winged Crossbill is a finch species that can be found in Ohio during winter. It has a heavy crossed beak and sexually dichromatic plumage, with males having a red to pinkish colored plumage and females having a green to yellow plumage. It has a body length of 17 cm (6.6 in), a wingspan of 26-29 cm (10.2-11.4 in) and a weight of 30-40 g (1.05-1.41 oz). It can also be identified by its two prominent white wing bars. This species of finch lives in coniferous forests of Canada, Alaska, the Palearctic, the northernmost part of the United States, as well as north-eastern Europe.

They have also been known to move south in order to find a good cone crop to feed on. They are known to form flocks and can be seen in spruce forests, feeding on seeds, buds, berries and insects. White-winged Crossbills also breed at any time of year as long as there is enough food available. Their nests are nestled in horizontal tree branches, made of twigs, bark, grass, moss and lichens, and they have as many as five eggs in a nest.

16. Evening Grosbeak

The Evening Grosbeak is a vulnerable species in Ohio and can be spotted migrating through the area during certain times of the year and some staying for the winter. They have a striking yellow and black pattern, with adult males having a bright yellow stripe over their eyes, black heads, gray necks, a white patch on their wings, and a yellow tinge to the neck. Females and juveniles have greenish bills, gray bodies, black and white wings, and a yellow tint. They are 16 to 22 cm (6.3 to 8.7 in) long, and weigh 38.7 to 86.1 g (1.37 to 3.04 oz) with wingspans of 30 to 36 cm (12 to 14 in).

In Ohio, Evening Grosbeaks usually remain in southern Canada and down the west coast to northern California, but they will migrate south when cone crops are poor. They are found in forests and mountain regions, and are often attracted to bird feeders in backyards during the winter to find an easy food supply. They naturally feed on flower buds during spring, insect larvae from treetops during the summer, and seeds, berries, and small fruit in the winter.

Their nests are usually found up to 100 feet above ground in pine trees. They usually have four to five eggs, which the female incubates for two weeks until they hatch. To attract Evening Grosbeaks to your backyard, you can offer them sunflower seeds, berries, and maple buds. One fun fact about Evening Grosbeaks is that they have such powerful bills that they can crush seeds that are too hard for other smaller birds, so they hang around to eat whatever is left behind.

17. Blue Grosbeak

The Blue Grosbeak (Passerina caerulea) is a stocky finch found in the United States, Mexico, and Central America. The male has a deep, rich blue coloration with a tiny black mask in front of the eyes, chestnut wing bars, and a black and silver beak. The female is primarily cinnamon-brown with a richer coloration on the head and paler underparts, with a bluish tail.

They are shy and difficult to observe, especially around humans, but they can be heard singing a musical warble lasting 2-3 seconds. Blue Grosbeaks can be found in Ohio during migrations and some stay during the winter. They like to hide in shrubby backyards and feed on seeds and grains at bird feeders.

18. Brambling

Bramblings are small passerine birds belonging to the finch family. They are mainly found in northern Europe, Africa, and Asia, but they also wander into Alaska, occasionally Canada, and northern US states during migration. In Ohio, they are considered rare or accidental species, with sightings only around Medina, and they were last spotted in 2017.

Bramblings are sexually dimorphic birds, with males having a black head, a dark back, and a white belly coupled with an orange breast. The females, as well as the juveniles, have a less distinct body. They usually nest in birch trees, willow forests, agricultural fields, parks, and backyards. They feed on insects in the summer and eat seeds during the winter.

19. Pine Grosbeak

The Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator) is a species of finch that is native to the boreal forests in Eurasia and America. It is one of the largest members of the True Finch family and is aptly named, as its scientific name means “pine dweller.” The Pine Grosbeak is a sexually dimorphic bird, meaning that the males have a rosy-red coloration on their head, back, and rump, while the females have an olive-yellow head and rump, grey back, and underparts. They are relatively large for finches, measuring 7.9-9.8 inches in length and having a wingspan of 13 inches.

In Ohio, Pine Grosbeaks are an accidental species, meaning that their sightings are extremely rare. The last sighting of the Pine Grosbeak in Ohio was at the Oak Openings Preserve Metropark in 2007. They can be spotted along the US border, the mountainous west, and the Sierra Nevada in California. In Ohio, they would preferably inhabit forests of pine, spruce, and fir, feeding on seeds, fruit, and buds from these trees, as well as some insects in the summer. If you wish to attract Pine Grosbeaks to your backyard, you can use black oil sunflower seed feeders or suet feeders.

20. Gray-crowned Rosy Finch

The Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch is a medium-sized, chunky bird with a black forehead and throat, gray crown, and brown body with pink highlights in their bellies. In winter, their bill is yellow, then turns black during the breeding season. Juveniles are brown with none of the pink highlights. The Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch breeds in Alaska and western Canada before migrating to western US states in winter.

Unfortunately, the Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch is extremely rare in Ohio and it is considered an accidental species there. It has not been spotted in a number of years, so it cannot be reliably spotted in Ohio.

What is the difference between a house finch and a purple finch?

The difference between a House Finch and a Purple Finch lies mainly in their appearance and behavior.

Appearance-wise, the Purple Finch has a raspberry-colored head and looks as if its body has been streaked through by raspberry juice, while the House Finch has no red coloring on its back. The Purple Finch is also slightly smaller than the House Finch, with a weight range of 18-32g and a wingspan that ranges from 22-26cm, while the House Finch has a weight range of 18-27g and a wingspan that ranges from 17-20cm.

Behavior-wise, the Purple Finch is known to display aggressive behavior, especially around sources of food. The female is usually the victor in these confrontations. Additionally, the male Purple Finch is responsible for protecting the nest and female from other males, while the female builds the nest for her and her mate. The House Finch, on the other hand, is not known to display aggressive behavior and does not have the same nesting dynamics.

The Purple Finch is also more fond of black oil sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, nectar, and flower buds, while the House Finch mainly eats seeds. Both species sing a rich, musical warble, unique to the finches of Ohio.

What colors are finches in Ohio?

Finches in Ohio are easily characterized by their small bodies and sharp beaks, which are just the right shape for prying open shells to get to their favorite seeds. Finches appear in a variety of different colors, with males usually having brighter colors than females.

Males typically have yellow and red colors, while females are usually green and brown in color. Of the twelve species of finch in Ohio, eight species are recognized as regularly occurring, plus an additional four are accidental species. Each species can be identified by its specific color and markings.

What are the yellow finches in Ohio?

Yellow finches are a type of finch found in Ohio that are characterized by their bright yellow color and their conical beaks which are well-suited for cracking open seeds. These cheerful birds can be found in forests, parks, and gardens throughout the state, and are easily identified by their bright yellow plumage and their characteristic “chirp”.

There are several species of yellow finches in Ohio, including the House Finch, the American Goldfinch, and the Purple Finch. House Finches can be identified by their bright red faces and their short, rounded wings. American Goldfinches are easily identified by their bright yellow heads and their distinct call. The Purple Finch also has a bright yellow head and a distinctive call, but is more easily identified by its reddish-purple feathers on its back. All of these species of yellow finches can be found in Ohio throughout the year, and are a delight to watch.

What types of food do finches like to eat?

Finches enjoy a wide variety of food, depending on the type of beak they have. House Finches have seed-feeding beaks and their main source of food is seeds, particularly black oil sunflower seeds. In addition to seeds, House Finches also have been known to feed on flower buds, fruits such as cherries and thistle, and scavenge for broken and discarded seed shells.

American Goldfinches prefer sunflower kernels and Nyjer seed, which many other birds don’t eat. They also use specially designed bird feeders for goldfinches. Cassin’s Finches like sunflower seeds and can be attracted to feeders that provide these, as well as shrubs with fruits such as mulberry, firethorn, or grape bushes.

How do I attract finches to my bird feeder?

Attracting finches to your backyard feeder is surprisingly easy with the right preparation. Here are some steps to follow so you can enjoy these beautiful birds in your own backyard:

  1. Choose the best feeder for finches: Finches prefer feeders that have narrow openings, perches, and a tray. These will help keep out larger birds and make it easier for the finches to feed without competition.
  2. Offer the right food: Finches love sunflower seeds, Nyjer seed, and safflower. Place these seeds in your feeder, as well as a source of water for bathing and drinking.
  3. Plant their favorite flowering plants: Sunflower, poppy, daisy, cosmos, coneflower, and zinnia are all popular choices for finches.
  4. Place your feeder in the right spot: Finches prefer feeders that are in open areas away from trees, so they can easily spot potential predators.
  5. Be patient: Finches are naturally curious birds, so it may take them a few days to discover your feeders. Once they do, however, you’ll likely have flocks of finches coming to your backyard regularly!

By following these steps and providing the right environment, you’ll soon be able to enjoy finches in your own backyard.

What types of backyard bird feeders are suitable for finches?

For finches, the best type of backyard bird feeder is a thistle feeder, also known as a Nyjer feeder. These feeders are specialized for thistle seed, which is a favorite food of many types of finches, such as American Goldfinch and House Finch.

Thistle feeders are usually in a tube shape with tiny holes all along the sides, allowing the birds to pick out the thistle. A good thistle feeder from Droll Yankees is highly recommended for finches.

What birds come to backyard bird feeders in Ohio in winter?

In Ohio, backyard bird feeders in winter can attract a variety of birds, including Downy Woodpeckers, Northern Cardinals, Blue Jays, Tufted Titmice, Black-capped Chickadees, White-breasted Nuthatches, Dark-eyed Juncos, Snow Buntings, Red-breasted Nuthatches, American Robins, and Carolina Wrens.

Downy Woodpeckers are small and black-and-white, with a distinctive downward-curved bill. Northern Cardinals are large, bright red, and have a distinctive crest of feathers. Blue Jays are large and colorful with blue wings, a white chest, and a crest of feathers atop their head. Tufted Titmice are small, gray birds with a crest of feathers on their head and white stripes on their wings.

Black-capped Chickadees are small, black-and-white birds with large heads and short, stubby beaks. White-breasted Nuthatches are small, gray birds with white chests, short tails, and a distinctive habit of climbing up and down trees headfirst.

Dark-eyed Juncos are small, gray birds with white bellies and distinctive white tails. Snow Buntings are small, white birds with black wings and distinctive black heads. Red-breasted Nuthatches are small, gray birds with a white chest and a distinctive downward-curved bill.

American Robins are large, orange birds with black wings and tails and distinctive red breasts. Finally, Carolina Wrens are small, reddish-brown birds with white chests and long tails.

Enjoy your visit to Ohio Finch-land with this Guide

If you’re looking for a fun way to learn about Ohio’s rich biodiversity, look no further. This guide covers every type of Finch found in the state, from the common American Goldfinch to the rare European Starling.

Along with detailed identification information, descriptions, and sounds, this guide will help you explore all of Ohio’s wonderful finch-filled habitats!